Holy Boldness

lose it…” This present world order is full of lies, false hopes and decep tions. It must crumble in as much as that which is not real will always fade away. When a person has based his life on an allusion and is deeply in vested in this falsehood, it takes decisive action to “lose his life” to find his real life. Lot’s wife was unwilling to leave the world she was part of and even as it was being judged and destroyed she turned back and became a pillar of salt. (Genesis 19:26). Jesus came declaring another way. The Gospel is free, but embracing it has consequences. It might cost a person potentially everything. Jesus was on a mission to change the world. He prepared His disciples to go in His name. Those who received them received Him. This was the expansion of the mission. It would continue to grow and as it grew the implications of Jesus’ life would continue to expand till it encapsulated the whole world.


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