Holy Boldness

David Watson, author of Contagious Disciple Making states that there are three primary characteristics of a person of peace: 1. They are open to relationship, 2. They are hungry for answers to the spiritual questions, 3. They will share whatever they learn with others. 27 Based on this instruction, it has been my practice for many years always to find one person in a city or nation who has a good reputation and a sound character and then seek to work as much as possible through this man or woman to minister within a region. Whenever I go into a nation or a town, I look for a man of peace (see Acts 16:14, 15). I stay there and whatever I want to do in the nation or town or state I try to come through primarily a single gate. This alleviates competition and jealousy and also encourages cooperation among leaders and churches. “As you enter the house, greet it.” (vs. 12) The familiar Hebrew greeting of anyone entering someone else’s home was “ Peace be to this house! ” Shalom was the Jewish greeting of welcome or blessing. It was the primary word of the priestly greeting of Aaron detailed in Numbers 6: 24-26. It was more than a cliche. It was the declaration of the substance of God’s blessing. But the blessing had to be received. If the people there were truly worthy of the blessing, in other words, if they opened their hearts to receive it, then the blessing would settle into their lives, their families, and community. It would rest upon them and bring them rest. If, however, there was no heart to receive, then the blessing would return to the apostles speaking it. The Seriousness of the Times And if anyone will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet when you leave that house or town. Truly, I say to you, it will be more bearable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah than for that town. (Matt 10:14) The shaking of the dust was a symbolic act of disassociation. The rejection of the Gospel when there were signs to confirm its reality was a serious matter. It was a rejection of heavenly assistance to right the

Watson, David L. And Watson, Paul D. Courageous Disciple


Making Thomas Nelson Publishing, p. 135

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