Holy Boldness

I have often heard people say that money is necessary for the Gospel. Money is not the only currency. Currency keeps things moving. Faith and obedience are the true currency of the Kingdom. Jesus told His disciples to seek first His kingdom and all the rest of the necessities of life would be provided. What is much more needful than money is the fear of the Lord which translates into obedience and trust. Money is not necessary as a first principle. Jesus said to the church of Laodicea, “I counsel thee to buy from me gold refined in fire” (Rev. 3:18). Why? Because they were rich in natural resources but poor in the favor of God. These riches made them prideful and unaware of their poverty, blindness, and spiritual dullness. In this case, having money left them deficient. I have watched on many occasions people with money enticed to engage in projects that were outside of the will of God and their sphere of authority. They ended up paying with leanness of soul. When finances become the foundation of any endeavor done for God, it is doomed to failure because of one simple and essential reality, “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who would build it.” (Psalm 127:1) It is obedience to the Spirit that sets things in motion in the kingdom of God. Money does not move God to act or participate in man’s endeavors. Presumption (pride) causes God to withdraw and money often causes people to walk in presumption. I am not speaking against having money but allowing money to become an idol or to tell you whether to do a thing or not will destroy the work of God. The most important asset on any mission for God is God himself! So there are times when God will send you with less than you need so that you will purposely trust in Him. Man’s strengths do not accomplish kingdom agendas. Those who lack this critical discernment are prone to building things “for God” but without God’s help. Therefore, Jesus’ instructions to His disciples to “take no money for your belt…” were not only helpful but preparatory and essential for divine assistance. What seemed to be foolish was the way to involve God in the campaign. And no wonder because when we understand that Jesus’ primary message was the invasion of the kingdom of God in the earth, then obviously one’s preparation of the outreach would include instructions that would ensure that Heaven was invested and engaged in the endeavor. It is the presence of God’s kingdom that changes everything. As the disciples submitted to the instruction of Jesus Heavenly Involvement in Earthy Endeavors

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