Holy Boldness

the well-being of lesser things. Suffice to say, that when Jesus begins to assert kingdom authority, illegitimate ventures may crumble. When Jesus is genuinely present, His person will be disruptive. This story continues to assert the basic theme of this section of scripture, that Jesus is a man of authority because He is a man under authority. His authority sets things right. In chapter 9 Matthew continues to display how Jesus challenges and changes the status quo of the religious world. A paralyzed man was brought to Jesus on a stretcher. When Jesus saw the faith of the friends! who brought the man, He says something peculiar and unexpected: “Son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you.” (Matthew 9:2). There is no indication in the story what Jesus might have been referring to. However, this statement immediately provoked suspicion and offense among the religious leaders observing Him and they accused Him in their hearts of blasphemy. But Jesus read their thoughts (a sign of His authority and complete command of the situation) and answered what he knew they were thinking… “Why do you think evil in your hearts? For which is easier to say, “Your sins are forgiven you or to say Arise and walk’? “Which is easier to say?” Great question and somewhat of a trick question for it would be easier to say, “Your sins are forgiven,” because there would be no way to check the authority of such a statement. And yet at the same time, it is a more significant thing to have one’s sins forgiven because this touches eternity than to be healed physically. But to say, “ Arise and walk,” would allow for an immediate evaluation of the authority of such words. So the first statement is more far-reaching in its effect but the second is more readily evaluated. So Jesus says and does something profound by saying that He will do the second to prove that He has the authority to declare the first. ‘ But that you may know that the son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins…”- then he said to the paralytic, “Arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.” ‘ “But that you may know…” Jesus decided to press the point to the extreme. This is nothing short of extraordinary and dramatic! So gutsy and in your face. Jesus came to confront the status quo of bland, watery, weak religion which kept people in bondage and never set anyone free. Jesus set people free physically to prove and demonstrate what He was doing spiritually. Forgiving and healing the Paralytic

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