Holy Boldness
Chapter 17 T he F inal F our
In the remaining portions of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 7:15-27, Jesus offers four warnings which taken together press the need for true discernment and decisive action. The followers of Jesus were exhorted to discern between the real and fake. This section continues the theme of judgment . Jesus warned that these characteristic deceptions would present themselves repeatedly in the course of life. Each warning offered paired contrasts: two ways (vs. 13-14), two trees (vs. 15-20), two claims (vs. 21-23) and two builders (vs. 24-27). 22 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matt 7:13) The combined effect of Jesus’ overall teaching and His approach to life could be characterized as a “narrow gate.” Jesus knew that He was teaching a way to approach life that represented a restriction upon many people’s life styles. The gate is narrow and the way is straight which leads to life because it is intentional, deliberate, disciplined, often counter-in tuitive, and unselfish. It is not haphazard or careless. His way had to be embraced and by embracing it, it necessarily excluded other paths. To live for oneself regardless of who it impacts is to enter by the wide gate that leads to death. To embrace truth necessarily means that you live under a certain restriction. This is the narrow way. But it is a narrow way that leads to a great expanse! Two Ways: Narrow and Wide
Carson, D. A. (1984) Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Mat
thew vol. 8 . Zondervan Publishers p. 188
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