Holy Boldness
rule a personal standard and begin to live by it, that person’s growth and discernment will increase dramatically. A transformed character is the most important component of true discernment.
All the Law and the Prophets
Jesus said that to treat others as one wants to be treated was the equivalent to all “the law and the prophets”. What does that mean really? It means that this one law or principle, the Golden Rule , serves as a sum mation, a distillation of the entire Old Testament teaching. Furthermore, the phrase, “law and prophets” was referencing more than just the written Old Testament scriptures. It refers to the worldview of the Old Testament which was rooted in the fear of the Lord. He was pointing to the overall message of the Old Testament characterized by the holy conviction that righteousness and justice would be established in the earth. It is a worldview that fully anticipates a glorious and positive victory in God. It expects justice and truth to prevail. It assumes that God sovereignly rules the nations and that kings become pawns in His hands. Therefore, based upon the assumptions that underlie all the “law and the prophets” , Jesus decreed the Golden Rule. Most people live cautiously, meaning, they keep generosity in check because they do not really believe that justice will be served. They are slow to help others because they are afraid of being misunderstood, mistreated or taken advantage of. But Jesus countered this self-protective approach to life with an exhortation to treat others the same way you wish to be treated. This approach to life must be backed by a deep conviction in the goodness of God. This is all the law and prophets! This is the second time that Jesus mentioned this broad reference to “the law and the prophets”. The first was at the beginning of the sermon on the mount when He said that He had not “ …come to nullify the law but fulfill it. ” Here He references it again as He gives His final summariz ing statement on the law- the Golden Rule.
Was Jesus an Original?
Jesus appeared in history over 2000 years ago. Through the centuries, a long line of people have sought to challenge His importance and originality. For instance, some of Jesus’ moral truths were spoken by others before his time. Some critics even question whether He even said
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