Holy Boldness

His very first recorded words, when He was twelve years old, reveal this same life-directing commitment. He was always about His Father’s business; it was another way of saying, He himself personally, was “ seeking the kingdom of God .” But now, with the maturity of years, Jesus’ words are timeless and poetic. “Do not worry, about what you will eat, what you shall wear or where you will live… consider the birds of the air…” (Matt. 6:25) The ultimate treasure is the kingdom of God and His righteousness. When a person begins to pursue it, all other pursuits come into align ment and everything else comes into order. Jesus argues beautifully and persuasively about the pursuits in life that ultimately matter. Even the way He talks about it puts a person at ease… “Consider the birds of the air, they neither sow nor reap but your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more important than them?” (v. 26) Doesn’t just reading that out loud put your mind at ease? There is almost a sing song feel to the dialog. It car ries such rhythm and grace. Just reading it puts a person in a better frame of mind to answer the question and to reflect rationally and reasonably. Fear of lack often creeps in when a person does not establish the priority of seeking the favor of God. The favor of God changes the focus of a person’s life. Treasure, light, mammon, fear of lack are all interrelated topics. This whole section of scripture, Matthew 6: 19-34, flows together as various facets of a single conversation and theme. Jesus sums up the whole discussion with one overarching directive, Seek the kingdom of God and everything else would take care of itself. The people who discover the power of this concept and submit to its invitation step into a realm of open doors and continuous opportunity. They live in another dimension of reality in this world. They are not afraid of going without. They are not intimidated by lack of money. They choose to do what God tells them to do trusting that He will make the necessary provision. They are fearless and obedient and therefore unstop pable.

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