Holy Boldness

and motivations. However, such a grace must be discovered and appre hended by focusing on the Lord and seeking to please Him. As we give ongoing attention to seeking God’s approval, a growing awareness of what God values begins to take shape. The fear of the Lord begins to grow and forms a spiritual apparatus for discerning the truth in every situation. People’s opinions and approval cease to dissuade us from the truth. The fear of the Lord causes a person to see through deceit and ulterior motives in people’s actions. This is why a person’s discernment grows because they are no longer dancing through the minefield of public opinion. The fear of the Lord is only apprehended when a person makes it a priority. In contrast, Satan offers his rewards without any cost or process. He only asks that you compromise truth and seek your own interests. But obtaining anything worth having demands a process. As the book of Proverbs so succinctly states, “An inheritance gained hastily, in the beginning, will not be blessed in the end.” (Proverbs 20:21) This is the nature of truth itself. Truth has layers. Deep understanding is a process. The fear of the Lord is something that gets established in the heart over time and through commitment to the truth. When we compromise with the world we lose our discernment but when we are awakened to our need for true understanding, the fear of the Lord will gain preeminence. In the following pages, we will show that the fear of the Lord was a key component of Jesus’ moral compass and that we must follow suit if we are going to display our loyalty to Jesus, as well as effectively and uncompromisingly carry His message to the world. Many mistakenly think that the Fear of the Lord is an Old Testament concept and no longer applicable in the age of grace . But as we consider the life of Jesus and His teaching, it will become clear that it was a central tenant of His understanding. It forms the backdrop of the entire gospel. Once a person begins to see the centrality of the fear of the Lord in the life and teaching of Jesus, it becomes readily apparent everywhere in the New Testament and becomes central to the mission and understanding of the Church.

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