Holy Boldness

know Him through the name of the father. It is family because the “father” is the head of the family. Now all who call upon Him by that name become family to us. To pray for the hallowing of God’s name is a personal request of consecration. Our hallowing of God’s name sanctifies our entire lives. It gives our lives new meaning and priority and context. But how does one hallow the name of the Lord? To “ hallow” His name is to treasure His name, to understand and cherish its value. One hallows God’s name by meditating on the significance of being loved by Him and by becoming like Him. The love of God for His people, once understood, changes one’s life forever. The hallowing of His name informs our life and trans forms our context. To hallow His name changes everything. It creates the culture from which we engage the world. It literally changes our identity and therefore changes our behavior. You hallow the name of the Lord by acknowledging that the Lord has extended His care over you by giving you His name. To carry an inclusion in the family of God is a privilege and an honor. The honoring of God’s name happens when one lives up to the standard that the name represents. When God’s name means something then a person’s conduct will change. Taking the name of the Lord in vain happens when one takes for granted the privileges of belonging to the Lord. When belong ing to God does not change a person’s behavior, then they have taken His name to no effect and therefore, taken His name in vain. But this prayer is more than a prayer of personal consecration but is a cry for the hallowing of God’s name all over the world. Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name i s a prayer that has no limits . Wherever God’s name is hallowed, given the reverence it is due, it will change the culture. This first line of the Lord’s prayer once fully under stood and pursued changes the entire projectory of the Church’s focus and pursuit. The sons and daughters who hallow His name will reflect His character and begin to create a culture that is worthy of who He is. God’s name is filled with a revelation of everything that is and all that He longs for. It is also a cry for the fear of the Lord. The hallowing of God’s name is a primary meaning of the fear of the Lord. It is what the fear of the Lord creates. The fear of the Lord places the Lord’s interest above all others and therefore, it establishes the honor due to God’s name.

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