Holy Boldness

which is to say that they do not really know Him very well at all. They may operate in some kind of spiritual gift and experience some form of power, but gifting is not an endorsement. Jesus said that you would know people by their fruit. The obedient know His pleasure, presence, reassurance, and comfort as an on gong reality, a realm of perpetual bliss. Some feel it more than others. But it’s only a matter of time before the sense of the presence and pleasure of God will grow and fill a person who lives for God’s will. Listen to me, you who feel left out. Do not despair or be discour aged. Simply do what you sense the Lord is asking of you and you will know that presence and you will feel His love. Over time this sense of God’s taking delight in you will be one of the overarching realities of your life. You will cease to seek anything from men. Money will not seduce you. Having a big house, popularity or security may happen but it will not be what you live for. You will come to understand what David meant when he said, “One thing have I asked for and that will I seek, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord and gaze upon His beauty.” (Psalm 27:4)

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