Holy Boldness

could feel Him delighting in me. This began to be my chief joy and my deliverance from the fear of man. 5. Discernment- When a person lives for the approval of one and not the many, it is amazing how quickly discernment will begin to grow. If you will live your life before God and invite him to scrutinize your service to Him, He will let you know what pleases Him and what does not please Him and why. This is discern ment. At first, it is a very subtle thing but as a person continues to give oneself to serving Him and giving Him pleasure, the discernment grows distinctly. Furthermore, when the fear of the Lord is part of your spiritual apparatus, you know what is moti vating others. 6. Guidance- Knowing God’s pleasure as a constant reality will cause a person to be more aware of the leading of the Lord. 7. Acceleration- With deeper confidence, there comes an awareness of the flow of God’s Spirit and therefore greater ease in decision making. 8. Peace- Indecision creates turmoil but living decisively leads to peace and rest. 10. Authority- The deeper agreement between God and a person, the deeper will be the authority that rests on a person. God gives authority to those whom He trusts. Everything that I have mentioned above is a benefit to those who live out their righteousness, not trying to impress men but as acts of service toward God. Those who want to serve God and live their life for God will receive rewards from Him, not just later in heaven, but now. 9. The tangible presence of God- Oh man!!!

Rewards in this life

The rewards of God are already available to those who have learned to live in the fear of the Lord. We have the Holy Spirit today and He has been given as a down payment of our final inheritance.

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