Holy Boldness
they are poor. The person who collects debts is like the “tax-collectors” of the first century; they are despised by all. Those who are merciful are trusting God to meet all their needs. They forgive debts because they have been forgiven. They show mercy because they believe in giving people second chances. They look for reasons to expect change. They are full of hope. They do not put a lot of trust in people but they do put lots of trust in God and believe that anyone can change. They are blessed because they live in the richness of the covenant and forgiveness. They create around them a culture of honor and hope. Beatitude # 6: Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God To be called “son of God” is the highest honor in the world. The peacemakers are those who have a ministry of reconciliation. A peacemaker is not someone committed to compromise but someone committed to truth as it is in Jesus. It includes the characteristic of mercy but it goes beyond it as it seeks to reconcile people to the heart of God. The peacemakers know how to go to the root issues of people’s lives and set them free from bitterness and bondage. The first priority of a peacemaker is to “separate the precious from the vile” . (Jeremiah 15:19) As peacemakers, they have been trained in the depths of their own hearts to recognize when things are out of sorts. They have wrestled with God over their own inconsistencies and have experienced the healing power of challenging truths. They have submitted to the discipline of the Father and so they are called sons. They walk in profound wisdom and are skilled at getting to the heart of the matter. That is why they are called the Sons of God. As sons of God, they know intimately the heart of the Father, they know what their father is thinking and doing and can competently and confidently represent him to the world. This is the company that Jesus came to raise.
Beatitude #7: Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
The pure in heart do not operate with mixed motives. Once again we emphasize that this is the result of the fear of the Lord. They look with a single eye and therefore they see clearly. They are full of light
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