Forty Days Full - An Invitation To Real Life
but it doesn't feel right. I had a friend who was very good at manipulation and he knew it. We would have long conversation that to others might have looked like arguments. We didn't see it that way. He was a very quick, intelligent person and would corral me into a corner. Every attempt I would make at another opinion he would cut it off with a better argument. Ultimately, I would have to agree with him, or I'd look stupid for believing something so ridiculous. After the conversation was over, I would feel 'icky.' Being more of an internal processor, I would go over the conversation and see the places he had cut me off and shut down my good opinion. This is how manipulation works. The more adept at discernment you become the easier it is to recognize. I'm about to lose all credibility with some of you by exposing a manipulation I use. My wife is very beautiful, and I love the way she styles here shoulder length hair. Every once in a while, she'll get frustrated with the daily effort it takes for its upkeep and she'll threaten to cut her hair very short. (This is where I could lose some of you) I will respond with, "you know, I think that's a good idea. Many women when they get older cut their hair shorter. Short hair might be more age appropriate for you." She has never cut her hair yet. It's kind of our little joke. She knows what I'm doing and laughs at me. I know it's terrible, but it gets her to do what I want. This is what manipulation looks like. (Did I mention earlier something about following flawed leaders?) Open and honest communication is essential for healthy relationship. We must say what we mean and mean what we say. The ability and willingness to share your need directly is a learned behavior. This tool of the enemy called control is so common in our lives it's hardly recognizable as bad. What if
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