Forty Days Full - An Invitation To Real Life
Father came looking for them, the scriptures say they were afraid, therefore they hid. This was the first time they felt fear. Fear is such a normal part of our experience, it's hard to imagine how they felt as this strange new emotion flooded they're heart. Fear is what moves us to protect ourselves. This tainting of the soul tells us to put up our guard. We can't entrust ourselves to others. We have to look out for number one. We become masters of our own world, lord of our own future. We were made for community. It is in our DNA to know and be known. Isolation is toxic to our souls. I don't mean solitude that rejuvenates. I'm talking about a self-imposed isolation that is motivated by the fear of others. The fingerprint of God in us all is a deep longing for love. Those who say they don't need it are jaded from a history of broken promises, shirked responsibility and relational disfunction. John, the apostle, says that perfect love casts out all fear. How could he know this unless he had experienced love in it's perfect form, Jesus? John is called the Beloved. In his own telling of the gospel He describes himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved. When this unconditional love floods our souls, it has the same kind of effect as laundry detergent during the spin cycle. The dirt of fear can no longer cling to us in the presence of such perfect love. You see, fear did not come from God. It came as the result of disobedience. The great motivational force of heaven is love. It is how things get done in the kingdom of God. How is it that fear is still so powerful? This tool of the dark side continues to move the hearts of unbelievers and believers worldwide. It is a force that will steal the joy out of living. Fear is what fuels worry and the 'what ifs' of life. Those who give it power through agreement will find themselves crumbling on the inside. I remember one evening when my wife was delayed
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