Forty Days Full - An Invitation To Real Life
Who gets to name a great work of art? Obviously, the artist who made it. God is the artist who made you and only He knows what he had in mind when you were made. Apart from God we all are in an identity crisis. We don't know who's we are and we don't know why we're here. All genuine security comes from our connection to the Father. We were made in Him and for Him. The reason for our existence and the purpose of our life flows out of our right relationship (righteousness) in Him. To know who I am, I've got to know who He is. Modern technology has produced an interesting phenomenon. There are many fantasy games that are played in the cyber world. In these worlds you can reinvent yourself. From your appearance to your special abilities, even to your station in life (Usually depending on how many hours you've spend in the game). You can build a new you. People are spending hours every day having adventure, trading commodities and talking with people they have never met accept online in the game. You get to be who you can't be in real life. If you have conquered a particularly difficult foe—other characters may seek you out so that you can help them do the same. You become valuable and powerful. I know a couple who started playing one of these games. They started playing it together in the same room for recreation. As they became more engrossed in the game, they began making other relationships online and they eventually moved their computers into separate rooms. More and more time was spent until he began coming home from work early and eventually quit going to work all together. They each developed romantic relationships with other people online. He lost his job and their marriage eventually came to an end. So what's the message of this story? All online games are bad? No! The desire to reinvent
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