Forty Days Full - An Invitation To Real Life
you' from my vocabulary. Why would I ever want to serve up something that comes from the Devil's kitchen?
Recently at Life Church, an event took place that gave me great joy. There was a man who visited our Sunday gathering and faced a dilemma. He came into our lobby area and saw a table on which young people were selling brownies. Our youth group was raising funds for one of their many activities. He became indignant that we would sell things in the 'House of God.' Fortunately, he didn't light into the kids, but found an adult standing behind our information counter. He found Amanda, a delightful young lady who has spent many years in our culture. He needed to confront this travesty and declared loudly to her "how dare you sell things in the House of God! Shame on you!" She pleasantly replied with a smile on her face "I'm sorry, but I don't receive that!" He was befuddled. How could she be so pleasant when she should feel shame? He decided to turn up the volume and intensity declaring again, "how dare you sell things in the house of God, shame on you!" Again, she smiled and repeat her previous statement, "I'm sorry, but I don't receive that!" When this story was repeated to me, I nearly jumped out of my socks. Amanda got it. She wouldn't eat from the table of shame. She only eats from her Father's table. This is what freedom looks like. In Life Change one of our goals is to uncover secret shame. Most people, including believers have something they are ashamed of. It is this unconfessed sin or this unholy belief the enemy uses to control and manipulate us. As long as the secret thing remains hidden it has power. It is always wonderful to watch as someone chooses to open their heart and be vulnerable. The lie they've listened to for years is that if anyone knew about this secret thing they would surely be rejected. The
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