Forty Days Full - An Invitation To Real Life
Day Six: Restored Glory
“Heaven must receive him until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets.” (Acts 3:21 NIV)
P art of God's plan is the restoration of all that was lost, and then some. The Bible has two book ends. The first two chapters of Genesis showGod's intention for humanity. He built a world for us, for our provision and for our enjoyment. It was designed as a place that He could have relationship with man and there were daily visitations. It was like an everyday revival when God showed up. Adam was also immediately invited into a partnership with God. God created the animals, then Adam named them. I can only imagine the delight of God as Adam would drum up creative names to describe God's artistic flair. This harmony between God and man has always been His intention and we are the object of His vast love. In the fall of humanity, God lost so much more than we did. If you've ever been estranged from a child who walked away, then you know the painful intensity of love denied. He is a Father with an infinite supply of love that has been denied by the billions of His children who would not return that love. We cannot fathom the measure of His loss. It is for this reason He sent His own Son, part of Himself, to pay the price we were incapable of paying. His passion and longing are for the restoration of what was in all your glory!
The other book end is the last two chapters of Revelation. Here we see at the end of the age, after our enemy has been
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