Forty Days Full - An Invitation To Real Life
he loves her and then spends an intimate night alone with her, the camera men, the directors and millions of TV viewers. Jimmy laughs that some people cry at how beautiful it is. Even to a worldly man and his audience, it is obvious this is not the way to find your one true love. If there were no imprint of God, this could be a great way to get married. But we all know it's not. Most of the contestants know it and are just actors playing a part. The happy couple at the end of the season almost never stay together. It is Human nature and it is God’s nature to want exclusivity in love. Two characteristics that reveal His imprint is the desire to love and be loved and the desire to live for a great cause. These two desires are deeply imprinted in every person on the planet. It's true they are not evident in everyone's life. Many people spend a lifetime burying these desires. Experience has taught them to run from them. But, everyone in their innermost being has a longing to know love and to make a difference. You'll find so many songs dance around these themes. They rise up from somewhere deep inside us. The song writer identifies the need and we respond with emotional agreement. Children in their innocence reveal these basic desires in the way they play. They all want to be great! They want to be Superman, Spider-Man or Batman. No kid ever wanted to be Accountant-man. I mean no offense to the bookkeeper and accountants of the world. This is one way to get in touch with our longings, if we can remember what we wanted as kids. What is it that you wanted? Have you been robbed of fulfillment by loss or disappointment? Try to remember what you wanted as a child and you'll start the journey of discovery. Knowing the nature of God can reveal a lot regarding what our life should look like.
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