Forty Days Full - An Invitation To Real Life
have believed a lie about the very giver of Life. Our Father grieves at our pain and loss, while the thief continues to steal away our hearts with unbelief. Answer the question. What does come into your mind when you think about God? It’s so important to know that every good thing that has come into your life is from God. It has been His plan from the beginning to bless you. He is a good Father who gives good gifts to his children. There is no true goodness apart from Him. We are in the middle of a war. It is a fight for the truth. When we can settle with confidence the goodness of His nature and discover His desire for our best, we'll be able to overcome the lies of our enemy. We will reverse Satan’s plan to separate us from our Creator and be able to say with confidence, God is good!
Today, I want you to think of something or someone you’ve lost and remember the pain. Ask Jesus where He was in that moment and what He was thinking. Write down what He says.
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