Forty Days Full - An Invitation To Real Life
homeless. He told me he wanted to be homeless, that it was his choice. Every summer he made good money fighting forest fires, so that he could live under a bush the rest of the year. He really liked his bush, and nobody better try taking it from him. That’s pretty messed up, especially considering winters in Oregon. This man was so devoted to getting his own way, that he had sacrificed everything for his independence. It is this kind of deception that we’ve been sent to expose with the light of God’s love. As good ambassadors, we have a job to do. We must work to improve relations between countries. We need to look for opportunities to influence. We want to reflect the goodwill of our country of origin by demonstrating the nature of God. A bad ambassador acts like he’s on vacation. Since he’s are not under the watchful eye of his superior, he may take advantage of the distance. We must not act as if it doesn't matter what we do, because the eternal destiny of souls God loves are on the line. Due to the nature of our salvation, we are still learning the ways of heaven. Fortunately, we also have diplomatic immunity. Sometimes an ambassador breaks the laws of the land, but because of their diplomatic status they have immunity - they cannot be charged with a crime. If the ruler of this world tries to bring a charge against us, we have immunity because we have a defender in heaven. Our position in heaven is not threaten by our failures or his accusations. We seek to willingly abide by the laws of the land, so that our message isn't rejected. But if we act merely like citizens of earth, we will lose our credibility.
Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven
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