Forty Days Full - An Invitation To Real Life
Day Thirty-Eight: I Am God’s Workmenship
“ For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them .” Ephesians 2:10 NKJV
G od's got a job and His job is working on me and you. He's obviously got other jobs like holding the universe together, managing all the affairs of the heavenly realm, listening to the prayers of the entire planet and other small things like that. But I think His hardest job is getting us formed into the image of Christ. We've been given the gift of free will and we like to use it. We are highly opinionated about the job He's doing and what should be next on the agenda. When we get ourselves into trouble we gladly sing, "Jesus, take the wheel!" But as soon as He rescues us we take it right back. I would not envy His job knowing what I know about people! Work has always been part of God's plan for us. No, work was not a result of the curse. To work hard and find satisfaction in a job well done is engrained within us. But, when I get my identity from my work, I will work hard to prove my worth. This is where we go off the designated track. Don't let your work define you. Let God define you, and let work satisfy you. In Christ, I have worth before I do anything. This is where embracing His promises will help. When I live with the secure knowledge of my identity in Christ, I can find satisfaction in all I do. God is our example. He's very secure in Himself. When creating the earth, He ended each day with a satisfied, “this is good!”
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