Forty Days Full - An Invitation To Real Life
misunderstood. They're not ferocious beasts, but they are our friends. He professed that they had accepted him among them and that they had become like his family. He lived among the bears as one of them, until they ate him. This is like our old sinful nature. You can’t train the old nature to be good. You have to kill it! “Consider yourself dead to sin but alive to God…” ( Rom. 6:11 NIV) “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Gal. 2:19 NIV) Government and authorities are established by God. They are present to govern the sinful nature of man. The police who enforce laws and the politicians who make the laws of the land are God's external governors for society. Those who lack self- control and are not regulated by the love of others will eventually experience the correction of this external government. Self-government is a higher goal. If you've ever driven a golf cart you may be familiar with the internal regulator called a 'governor.' Golf carts can actually go quite fast. But to protect the condition of the golf course and the people playing the game, they have a speed regulator installed. This internal governor sets the top speed for the cart. Rather than needing to police the golf course for those breaking the speed limit, each cart actually regulates itself. There have been many times I wished I knew how to turn off the governor, so I could put the peddle to the metal and play golf on the wild side. The Holy Spirit within us is like the governor on a golf cart. When I'm about to do something stupid, He's there. He is an internal power to guide my life. My relationship with Holy Spirit is demonstrated in self-control. We all have the personal choice to turn off this 'Governor' by ignoring His guidance.
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