Forty Days Full - An Invitation To Real Life
doesn't go your way and you know the consequences are going to cost you. It seems almost every day we see news reports of people fighting against another group with whom they disagree. They think they are taking a stand for what is right, but then so does the other group. For all of us there is an inward self-will that wants to argue, complain and fight for what we think belongs to us. The fruit of meekness allows us to have confidence in the goodness of God when we feel injustice. I can accept good or bad with a long-term mindset. My world doesn’t have to come crashing down in the midst of crisis. Meekness is tied very closely to hope. When I trust the Lord with my future, my hope is in Him What I am not saying is that meekness will cause us to just roll over whenever we are opposed. Was Jesus like Mother Teresa or was He more like WilliamWallace as portrayed in the movie 'Braveheart?' The answer is…it depends. If you’re a leper, an outcast ridiculed by society and broken by your sickness, Jesus is the incarnation of tender mercy. If you’re a Pharisee, who has loaded heavy burdens upon people without lifting a finger to help them, you’d better look out because Jesus will expose you for what you are and maybe even bring down a whip on your back! Jesus meekly accepted the cruelties of the cross trusting the nature of His Father. He knew His mission, so He was the perfect demonstration of meekness, but He knew the angels of heaven were at His command. This is power under control.
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