Forty Days Full - An Invitation To Real Life
Day Twenty-Nine: Meekness
“Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth. “ Num 12:3 KJV
M oses was the meekness man on earth. What is remarkable and humorous is that Moses wrote this about himself. Most theological historians agree that He wrote the first five books of the Bible. This would be similar to saying, "I'm the humblest person I know." Yes, there's an obvious contradiction. But the scriptures are divinely inspired by God. So under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit he wrote what God said about him. This is what meekness looks like. If Moses had false humility, he'd be saying, "Ah shucks! I can't say that about myself. I don't want to appear prideful." The deflection of the truth isn't humility, it's just stupid. The word meekness means a mildness of disposition or gentleness of spirit. There’s no English word that properly translates because in its common use it suggests weakness, but meekness is a strong quality. The common assumption is that when a man is meek it is because he cannot help himself, but Jesus was 'meek' while he had the infinite resources of God at His command. The adjective form of this word is used of a wild animal that has been tamed and brought under control. It describes a strength under control or a harnessed power. Several chapters back I told the story of Korah and his cronies who decided Moses and Aaron had gotten too big for their britches. Moses was faced with a huge uprising against his leadership (Numbers 16). His response is the essence of
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