Farewell To Father Madanat Commemorative Book
Dear Father, It has been a joy having you as our pastor for the last four years. Our chapel has become a place of reverence and beauty thanks to your inspiring vision and attention to details. This will be your legacy for many years to come. It reflects your reverence and deep love of God. Your inspiring sermons, the way you welcome all, and your eagerness to share God’s love and mercy have filled our hearts. Father, you have set an example to live by, with humility and love for others. We will always keep you in our prayers and we know that you will continue to enrich the lives of those around you. We send you off no longer a newly ordained priest but one who is ready for the challenges of tomorrow. The memory I will always cherish is watching David serve Mass on Christmas day a year ago at the age of 84 - you smiled at him, and said let’s do this. So those will be our words to you, Go Forth and Serve. God’s blessings upon you from David & Elizabeth Mullen
God bless you Father, Thanks so much for all you have done for us. Respectfully, Fatima, Sylvanna & Jessica
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