Farewell To Father Madanat Commemorative Book
Dear Father Madanat, We are so blessed that our path of faith brought us through the doors to Our Lady of Fatima. It is clear to see God’s plan for us in meeting you as he chose you to guide us in joining the Church. Your commitment to this process has been enormous and we are eternally grateful for your time, compassion and perseverance. You have played such an important role in each of our spiritual lives, and for that you are sealed in each of our hearts forever. Your heart is what makes that light of yours shine so brightly. There are some people we can never ever THANK enough. We hope that you know you are one of those amazing people. May God Bless you. With much love and prayer, Teal & Courtney, and Olivia Tasso
Our fir st Ea st er Vigil with Our Lady of Fatima March 2024
Our fir st Chri st mas with Our Lady of Fatima December 2023
An Outdated Family Photo 2016
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