Farewell To Father Madanat Commemorative Book
Roesler Family
Eric & Anna
Evan & Claire
Jeanine Roesler
Father Madanat, The Roesler family wishes you blessings and success at your new assignment. We have very much enjoyed your presence at the church and the wonderful spiritual guidance you have given all of us. One of our fondest memories of your time with us is when you came to Anna’s mother’s funeral and lent blessed words of encouragement and comfort even though it was a non-Catholic funeral.
We thank you so much for helping our family with this time. Also, thank you for being there for Eric’s uncle Kevin in his last hours to provide the needed sacraments. When Jeanine, Eric’s mother, was possibly declining you did the same for her.
May Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother keep you and guide you throughout your holy priesthood. You will be greatly missed Eric & Anna Roesler
Anna, Evan & Claire Roesler with, Kathy Baker (Anna’s Sister) & Father Madanat at a reception following Anna & Kathy’s mother’s funeral.
Proto-Cathedral of St. James photo credit to Eric, who also answers to “Gopher”
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