Experience Israel - With Famed Archaeologist Eli Shukron
list for two reasons – the first is that you can learn and experience a lot not only from visiting museums and holy sites, but also from the most trivial things, and you can certainly learn a lot about the Israelis from visiting the airport. And the second thing is that the most extraordinary experiences, the ones travelers tend to remember, are not the sites themselves. As a tour guide who talks to thousands of travelers, I can honestly say that I almost never hear travelers saying that the Wailing Wall or the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was the highlight of their tour. It is almost always stories that involve other people, or experiences travelers had on the road, or something that happened in a restaurant or a hotel or just on the street, and not the sights they visited. And so here we come full circle. There is no must-see. It is important to plan your trip, and my videos and website are all about helping you do that, but you shouldn’t just follow a checklist. So my number 10 is the airport, where you will start your Israeli experience.
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