Beginning Tomorrow Today - By Timothy Sherman
the book of Acts in the New Testament. Philip was baptizing the Ethiopian eunuch and suddenly was translated by God to another city called Azotus. He suddenly appeared in the midst of a crowd of people and began to preach the Good News to them. He then went from there to preach in other cities. I know how he felt. Is this what it felt like when Enoch walked with God and was not, for God translated, or snatched him up? These Russian men went into an incredible mode of hon or toward me as one sent by God to them as their helper. I was humbled and amazed by the way they treated me. Everyone deferred
to Nikolai as the obvi ous leader. He had spent nineteen years in and out of prisons and was beaten near to death and tortured many times. Others I met in Russia told me that he was one of the most tor tured and persecuted Pen tecostal leaders that lived through the communist persecution of Christians in Russia. He was famous
He was famous for his many wounds, stripes and deep suffering. Evil officials tried to kill him many times but God would raise him up again.
for his many wounds, stripes and deep suffering. Evil officials tried to kill him many times but God would raise him up again. His repeated refusal to renounce Jesus brought him great respect. Nikolai was soft spoken but became very animated when preaching the gospel. Of all the men I ever met in Russia, he is one who could be called an apostle. He was about five feet ten inches tall, with strong but thin, sharp facial features. His stature seemed very large until you were up close and then he appeared small and very thin. He was also an incredibly humble man. He had piercing eyes that were fierce, but kind at the same time, and full of light. I 50
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