Awakened and Aligned


We are living in unprecedented days. It is an amazing time to be alive. The church has faced extraordinary challenges over the last several years. Many Christians blame the devil for all that is going on, but those who know their God also know that He is not sitting idle but is pressing the nations into a valley of decision. God is not poised to pull the church out of the battle but rather is speaking to the "new day church” about moving deeper and more intentionally with Him. The way forward in His eternal plan demands abandoning old ways, repenting of wrong attitudes and courageously embracing the fresh leadings of the Spirit. God is on the move in the world and is looking for those who will go with Him. Because God may speak in ways that we do not always understand, it is wise to align ourselves with many who are hearing a clear word at a deep level. The Lord is not complicated, but He does speak in parables and riddles. He hides His ways from the “wise and intelligent” b ut reveals them to the childlike and the innocent. Tammy Yearsley's new book, Awakened and Aligned, is a poetic, prophetic interpretation of the last seven years during which time much of the church has been on a collective journey. Tammy's book challenges us to align our hearts to encounter the mystery of a new thing. Those alignments are simple but profound.


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