Awakened and Aligned

New Wine skins:

New = kainos: “new in quality” (innovation), fresh in development or opportunity – because “not found like this before .” The entirely new [kainos] , fresh, “not found like this before” vessel is to hold, carry, and also dispense the new [neos] revelation, discovery, mystery that “was not there before .” If we belong to Father and are enfolded into Christ, WE are to be the NEW [kainos] wineskins that hold, carry, and dispense the NEW [neos] wine! We are to be the vessels that carry and allow Holy Spirit to dispense through us His new revelation and mystery that hold within them the knowledge, wisdom, and power of God. But we need to trust the Maker of the New Wine and the New Wineskins! We need to allow our Maker to shape us into His new wineskin (both individually and corporately) to carry His new wine. The only way we will be entrusted to be carriers of the new wine, the new revelation, the new vision, the new thing, is if we are willing to let go of the former things.

“Behold, I do a new thing. Do you not perceive it?”

If an old wineskin is not willing to be transformed in relationship with its Maker and attempts to carry the new wine, both the potential of the new revelation and the old wineskin will be compromised and possibly ruined. An old wineskin cannot hold or carry new wine. It can be a grievous thing when there is mixture of the two. Obedience is better


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