Awakened and Aligned

The enemy would like to keep us trapped, ensnared, and paralyzed in the "what if's", the "what abouts", and the "if only." (Delusions) We may not be able to understand all things, wrap our minds around everything, or know all things, but we know ONE who does and we can trust Him. There is only one thing that we need to KNOW, and that is HIM and the hope He has called us to in Christ. And this is my prayer for all of us!! To set our hearts and minds on Him, and the totally NEW that He wants us to view. To re-pent is to change our view to see from His view …the highest view. "SEE, all things have become new...the new has emerged!" Below is my journal entry from January 8th, 2018, as I spoke of in Part 1:"Behold the New", along with some current thoughts. The next article in this series will be my journal entry from January 9th. They build on one another, and I thank Holy Spirit for connecting the dots, filling in the lines, and painting His picture with vivid colors so we can grab hold of it and walk through the door! Order. God’s order for this day, this time, this season. What His order looks like now. In the here and now. Living in the now. Part 2: NEW for the NOW


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