Awakened and Aligned

-- NEW is kainos = fresh, new, unused.

(Strong’s) 2537 kainós properly, new in quality (innovation), fresh in development or opportunity – because it is "not found exactly like this before." -- HAVE COME is ginomai = I come into being, am born, become, come about, happen, has emerged. (Strong’s) 1096 ginomai – properly, to emerge , become, transitioning , from one point (realm, condition) to another. To BEHOLD the NEW is to see, to look upon, to perceive, and to experience the new, fresh, unused, "not found exactly like this before" opportunity or development. The new that has emerged is not like anything before it. Anything! It is a totally new creation. Born into existence. Becoming what nothing has been before it. Unique. Fresh. New. Alive. BUT, to be able to BEHOLD the NEW, we need to truly let the old pass away . We need to perceive the perfect work of the grace of God that has made the transition complete. We need to disregard, neglect, pass by, put out of our sight, those things that have passed away...they are rendered void, irrelevant, vain imaginations.

Therefore, whatsoever is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of a good report...

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