Awakened and Aligned


O n January 8 th of this year, Holy Spirit spoke two words to me… “Order” and “New.”

I love His intentionality! Even though the new year according to God’s timeline had already begun (Year 5778 on Rosh Hashanah, September 21, 2017), He spoke these words to me on the 8 th day of the first month of a new year according to the calendar of 2018. Just as the number seven symbolizes perfection, completion and fulfillment, the number eight symbolizes resurrection, regeneration, new beginnings, a new era, new order, a new creation. There has been a waiting, but I sense that now is the time to post this word, along with another word abou t “beholding the new” that the Lord had given me in January of 2017. I am so grateful for what He unfolds to us! In Part 1, I will begin with sharing the word that He had given me in January of 2017 on “Behold the New”, that I believe will lay some good groundwork. In Part 2 and 3, I will share my journal entries from January 8 th and 9 th of this year, and trust Holy Spirit to expound as He sees fit.

In such we go!


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