Awakened and Aligned
Now is the time , and it is happening in rapid succession.
Such rapid succession that the radiant brilliance of Light is causing people to wake, dead hearts to live, and blind eyes to see. Such rapid succession that the plowman will overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes will overtake him who sows seed.
People in the church are waking up, thus, people in the world are coming to Life.
(Ephesians 5:8-21, Matthew 5:13-16, Amos 9:11-15)
Finally, we were led to Joel 2 as we began to declare the restoration of the Lord over peoples and lands, close and far away. There was such a tangible sense of restoration of that which had been lost…lives, marriages, families, nations, health, provision, purpose, vision. The righteous rain that is falling to the earth will produce a harvest of salvation springing up! That the early and latter rains together produce restoration in full measure. Coming full circle from the beginning of this account, verse 28 and 29 speaks of the breath, the life, the pouring out and the filling up of the Spirit of God. Not by our own efforts or human might, but by the Spirit of God. That’s how we live in the full measure of Jesus Christ, and God Himself…by His Spirit.
Jesus restored the Spirit of God to us so we can live in Father’s original intent for us.
Our Father’s Spirit living in us once again. Created in His image and walking in His completeness. If we choose to abide
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