Awakened and Aligned

In the midst of this time with Him, Holy Spirit began to give us some pictures and to highlight some scriptures:

The first picture that He gave was that of the seven Spirits of God that stand before His throne. The sevenfold Spirit of the Living God that abides before Him, is the same sevenfold manifest Spirit of God that Jesus operated in while walking on this earth, which is the same Spirit of God that is dwelling in those who believe in Him and belong to Him. We are to operate in the fullness of the Spirit of God just as Jesus our Lord. Whatever the situation, Jesus had the key to unlock Heaven’s provision because He was in perfect union with Holy Spirit, functioning in the perfectly complete sevenfold Spiri t of God…

The Spirit of the L ORD , The Spirit of Wisdom,

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The Spirit of Understanding, The Spirit of Counsel, The Spirit of Might, The Spirit of Knowledge,

• And the Spirit of the Fear of the L ORD .

He did not judge by what He saw with His eyes, nor did He decide by what He heard with His ears, but He was led by righteousness…by His union with the Father. And in following our Lord and King, for us to also walk in the completeness and wisdom of a living understanding that comes only by Holy Spirit, not according to carnal knowledge.


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