Awakened and Aligned
To my equipping brother and sister, Craig and Sue Wilmot, for entrusting me and inviting me into new territory years ago, releasing me into leadership. To my wonder brother, Kirk Wilmot, for being a miracle to our family, to this world, and for showing us that there is so much more. To my faithful friend, Connie Henage, a trusted confidant of over two decades who has stood by my side and held up my arms, who stands for my family and countless others. To my esteemed friend who is an apostolic father in the house of God, Brian Harrison, for exhibiting the heart of our Father, for arranging the furniture and making room, for raising up and equipping, for strengthening us to take courage and to know our place at the table. To my highly regarded friend and mentor , Mary Jean Powers, a sent one to the sent ones; for coming alongside and showing us how to come alongside others, and how to dive deep into realms of the Written Word, finding deeper intimacy with the Living Word. To my honored friend, Christie Moore, who is an apostolic arrow pointing the way by her example and confirming the revelatory Word of the Lord. To my beautiful friend, Karolee Gregory, who lent herself to years of musical orchestration with me, and who brings Heaven to earth through the keys at her fingertips.
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