Awakened and Aligned
Him! He is the Answer you are looking for. He is the Hope you need. He ALONE is your Truth and your Salvation. His heart yearns for you to be with Him!
He is saying, “Come to Me. Come to My table and partake of Me. Learn of Me and lean into Me, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light. I have made every provision for you through My life that I gave for you. You will find rest for your weary soul and unlimited joy in My Presence. Stop striving in your own efforts and futility, repent and come. I will make known to you the path of life. I will fill you with joy in My Presence, and there are eternal pleasures at My right hand! I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I am the Door; the only way to the Father is through Me. I desire that you be with Me where I am, but only you can choose to walk into your eternal purpose and reign with Me. Come, eat and drink of Me, fellowship with Me, commune with Me, know Me. I am drawing you to Myself and leading you with cords of kindness, and ties of love. I love you…how I desperately love you… please , come.” I implore you to listen to His call and come to Him. I can’t even begin to describe the intensity that I am sensing of His heartache for you…His longing for you…His holy love for you. This temporal time is of the absolute essence, and eternity starts NOW. Please , put your heart that wants to run to Him, above your head that tries to reason Him away…and come.
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