Awakened and Aligned

Here We Are

I grabbed my robe and a cozy blanket and headed out to my back yard to spend time with Daddy God as I watched His sign to us in the sky, the Blood Moon. It was October 8 th , 2014, at 2:30 in the morning Idaho time, and the Feast of Tabernacles had already begun halfway around the world. This was a holy moment, full of anticipation. I wanted to see, hear, and know what the Father was speaking. As I sat in the dark, gazing up into the heavens at the multitude of stars and watching as the moon slowly turned blood red during the eclipse, a whisper escaped my lips to the Father that has been a frequent phrase for me lately. “Here we are, Father. Here we are Daddy God…King Jesus…H oly Spirit…Here we are.” This is the time the Ancients have been waiting to see, the forerunners of the Church Age longed for as each generation has passed the baton onto the next. The great cloud of witnesses cheering us on…this is what they lived for, th is is what they died for…here we are. Here we are in this little sliver of time, with the previous generations since Adam pressing on one side, and the Kingdom Age of eternity pressing on the other…Here we are. For such a time as this…what a privilege and an honor…here we are. One can almost feel the burning anticipation of the Father as He prepares to tell His Son to go get His Bride…she has made herself ready…on the verge of the Wedding Supper of the Lamb…to finally be with all of His family…here we are. There I sat, taking it all in and thanking the Father for His declaration through this divine happening, and more than anything , being quiet so I could hear Him …my spiritual ears opened to what He was saying.


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