Awakened and Aligned

or what we are doing. It is THE life! HE is the Life! He shines and is glorified through us. His will is accomplished through us. His purposes are birthed in the earth through us. His love is expressed through us. His Truth is declared through us. His heart is lived out through us. (Romans 12:1-2) “Father of Glory, I pray that You would give us the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation that we would intimately know You. Help us cease from our own striving and enter into this fruitful, life-giving, life-transforming, perfect work of Holy Spirit that is at peace and rest in relationship with You. That our being in You will produce a harvest of righteousness in our own lives, and the lives of those around You r glory.” (Ephesians 1:17-23)

Living Altars

Holy Father, we’re Your living altars Your Holy Sacrifice displayed through a living life Holy Father …

You are the Potter, I am Your clay Mold me, and make me, I pray

Into Your vessel of honor, from this jar of clay Have Your own way, have Your own way …

Your Kingdom come, Your will be done through me Your heart expressed for all the world to see That the Life of the Lamb would sing through me For all eternity….starting now…


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