Awakened and Aligned

Out from ‘Canterbury’ – Awakened and Aligned

I n the early morning hours on April 9 th , 2015, I had a dream that adds another layer of depth to the message that the Lord has placed in me, and Holy Spirit has continued to refine. As I had been inquiring of the Lord over this dream for several days, the intensity and fullness of His message continued to grow. At that moment of contemplation, the wind was gusting outside across the landscape causing all kinds of things to shift. My prayer is that the wind of Holy Spirit will breathe His breath on these words and cause our hearts to shift into alignment with His. After I share the dream, I will expound on the meaning as Holy Spirit unfolded it to me. As the dream began, a pastor called me over from where I was standing to view a marker that he had set in the ground. He seemed very pleased with the marker and wanted me to take a closer look. So, I moved from where I was positioned, which was a few feet in front of the marker and off to the left. As I approached the marker, I looked back to where I had been standing, which was still evidenced by the impression my feet had made on the ground in that spot. I came around to the back side of the marker to take a closer look, and as I looked up to view the marker, my line of sight went to what was directly in front of the marker. While I was looking at the perfect alignment of the marker with what I saw in front of it just a few yards away, these words came out of my mouth, “Not that this means anything, but do you see what this (the marker) lines up perfectly with?” As I said this, I was pointing to the scene that was in front of us.


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