Awakened and Aligned
Our Key is the Key [A letter to our beautiful worshipping family.]
S o much is converging right now, and we can taste the purposes of God in our mouths. What I am hoping to share with you in this letter is destiny language for Idaho in this moment, and the Lord’s intentions concerning us as His corporate voice of worship as it relates to that destiny. I humbly submit this to you, my friends, and would so appreciate any feedback, or any other points of revelation that Holy Spirit gives. For I know this is but a drop in the sea. Thank you! As I sat contemplating and praying over our nation the night of October 23 rd (2021), and what is unfolding on a global scale right now, two pictures came to my mind that I had seen on a broadcast earlier in the evening. The program itself was national and concerned the great exposing that is happening internationally, but there were no states mentioned by name. Out of all the images that scrolled across the screen as the commentators were speaking, I thought it was odd (but God!) that Idaho was the only state displayed, and just for a fleeting moment. It wasn’t just shown once, but twice. The first time was on a map of the United States. Idaho being the only state highlighted, and it was in red. The other was a map of Idaho itself, with what would be the Challis area highlighted with a red dot. It looked like one of the images used to show the earthquakes that had taken place there in recent months. Father is speaking. Just the night before at a gathering at Ebotta Worship Center, in worship, Holy Spirit was calling us to step into our new name and be fully identified in Jesus. Stepping into our
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