Awakened and Aligned
many more things to know about Him. I believe we need to pursue and seek Him in ways we never would have thought of before. Unconventional ways. New ways. It's time to think outside the box because God is not in a box. The days of old, the old ways are good and remember to cling to that which is good, but now is time to press into the new. The Witness inside you is your Guide and Referee. Adjust your eyes and look from the perspective that you never knew was there. It is a new perspective and a new way to see that which will be revealed. Prepare yourself for His enlightenment...take the limits off our limitless Creator. God is everywhere and He upholds all things by His Word. Give glory to God IN all things. There is so much more." Kirk A. Wilmot
Here we are...Here we go...
Into the Broad Expanse
A Living Understanding
This article is devoted in response to a comment on the W ord entitled, "The Broad Expanse--There Is So Much More ." In the comment, a question was posed to me, and it warrants the time and attention needed to expound upon. Below is the comment and my response. I thank Holy Spirit for His perfect working, and for leading and guiding us into all truth.
The Comment: “Sounds beautiful enough…my question is…is it truly based on God’s Word? The Word has been cast aside it seems for
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