Awakened and Aligned
The Broad Expanse -- There Is So Much More
There has been a forging this last year.
In the depths of the fire, a company of people have been forged whose hearts are pure, whose resolve is unshakable, and whose vision is clear. Fear has no place among them, or in them, for their standard is perfect Love. Their view is unhindered because they are looking at the One who is limitless. Their steps are sure and without apology, for they know the One whose steps they follow. Their holy bond has only grown deeper and stronger. These burning ones rise as Fire emboldens their flight and Love consumes their hearts, for He who IS this Holy Fire rises within them. They have allowed their Creator and God to forge them into the image of His Son…the One who has gone before them and is the fulfillment of all they are to be. Tried by fire. Anything that does not stand the test is burned up. Everything that remains can be fashioned and formed into a beautiful masterpiece. Without the fire, there is no forging. Without the forging, there is no creation. The creation is evidence of the Creator. In the midst of the heat, it’s as if seals began to open, and we’re watching promises of God unfolding, to fulfillment, right before our eyes. Seems so contrary to what we’ve witnessed across the globe on a natural level… it’s getting ready to change.
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