Awakened and Aligned
His Fire Comes
T he last three days I have been asking the Lord what is going on with the extreme fires in Idaho, and the western states. For whatever is happening in the natural realm is a mirror image of what is taking place in the spiritual realm. As I was inquiring of the Lord about it again today, a parallel was highlighted to me. Within the last three days I have been made aware of home groups, small groups, or prayer groups that are either beginning for the first time, or are being re-established in their communities. A resurgence of hunger. We are His house of prayer. We are His holy habitation. The people of God are saying ‘yes’ to His beckoning to be the Church, His Church, and are answering the call. The army of God is standing to their feet and partnering with the mandate of Heaven to see HIS Kingdom come on the earth. The Fire of Holy Spirit is igniting His burning ones…everywhere. The Fire of Holy Spirit is burning away the chaff and debris of man-made kingdoms, so His Holy Fire can have His unhindered way through His people. Almost two weeks ago, on August 8 th , 2015 (8-8-2015 = 8-8 8…the number eight symbolizes ‘new beginnings’), there was a meeting in Declo, Idaho, consisting of the Church from all parts of southern Idaho. One of the banners that flies over these gatherings is a word the Lord had given to David McClellan of an acronym for Idaho, “ I D eclare A H oly O utpouring. ” The gathering itself was resched uled to this date, which was no coincidence. This was a very strategic day, a holy set-apart day, for the purposes of our God. As this day with His beloved unfolded, what He was speaking was very clear. The masks that the people of God have been wearing are being removed from hearts, minds,
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