Awakened and Aligned

each nation to Himself (“you are Mine” )--and their true identity in the new creation (“this is who I created you to be in Me before the foundations of the world” ). (Psalm 24) Simultaneously, with the sealing of each nation, the scroll of each nation was being unrolled and the decree concerning that nation was proclaimed. (By decree of the King!) The utter sense of the rule of the King had come. The Government of God. The Kingdom of God. A new earth. The kingdom(s) of this world had become the Kingdom of our God and of His Christ. His inheritance. The whole of creation being brought into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

The Blood of Jesus is covenant.

The Crown of the King speaks of authority and dominion.

The signet Ring is both a symbol of the covenant of the King with His Kingdom, and the authority of the King’s reign and rule (His rule is His Word). By His authority as King, He seals the nations in covenant to Himself with His very own Blood. This Blood of the New Covenant carries within its properties the creative force to make all things new…people, lands….all of creation. (Revelation 5)

In this hour of great shaking, I see hearts waking and turning to Him…

I see the people of the Lord waking up and returning to their first love in Him, with Him, and for Him. Pride, pretensions,


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