Awakened and Aligned
The glory of the Lord can’t be contained. His water, His oil, His new wine pouring into the streets…into homes…into workplaces…into marketplaces…into neighborhoods…into relationships…into lives. His light penetrating the darkness. His fragrance causing a righteous hunger. His love reaching the deep places of hurt, need, and anger. His truth bringing freedom. Him and His Kingdom come! There is a holy boldness of our Father’s love rising up in His people to meet the desperation of fearful and hungry hearts. This perfect Love, that is expanding in His beloved, is driving away all fear of man and fear of the unknown. On leaving one of these corporate worship times, a friend and I were on our way to minister the heart of the Father at a homeless shelter. The glory of the Lord accompanied us to the shelter, and His Presence surrounded us. While in worship there, the song of the Lord and His word came to minister His love and truth to those gathered. That entire day had been one of “as you go”. As you go, live from the abundance of who He is, give from the abundance of who He is, love from the abundance of who He is. Wherever you go and to whomever you find in front of you. But FIRST, we need to find ourselves face to face with Him…abiding in Hi m, and He in us…as we go.
This is not part of life…this is THE life!
Eternity is not someday…it’s NOW.
This is reality. Jesus IS reality.
• This is the Kingdom come. This is Heaven come.
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