Awakened and Aligned
That which the Lord gave me to see many years ago, the cry that He has placed in my heart, I see it coming to pass. We as a corporate expression of a people completely belonging to Him, are stepping into a union with His heart and one another. The fruit is immediate, and the effects reach far beyond these times of abandoned worship.
It is pure joy living the dream He has placed in your heart.
As He is honored above all else and His Spirit given full liberty to have His way, we are hearing His voice, together. Entering into His council and His counsel, together. Seeing what He wants to release, together. He is painting His masterpiece and telling His story among us. He is declaring His Word and revealing His heart among us. He is bringing His truth and His healing among us. He is answering the cry of hearts among us. He is equipping us to go out with His revelatory word, His understanding, His love, His resources from these ti mes spent with Him…equipped with everything needed for His will to be accomplished through us. Like one worshipper stated, “this is our filling station”. His people are waking up and realizing it’s not about following a form or man’s agenda. It’s not abo ut big names…only HIS Name. It’s not about performing, or man’s expectations. It’s not a frenzy for the ‘next best ministry’. It’s not a numbers game…it’s not a game at all for these holy ones. It’s a place beyond what our minds can produce or imagine. We find ourselves IN Him, in fullness of joy, where His eternal pleasures and purposes unfold before us. Where Heaven’s strategies are given to be acted upon. Lovers of God
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