Awakened and Aligned
He Sends His Rain
There are two things that I sat pondering this morning: It has been raining for days now and there is drought in several regions of our land. Many are distraught about the drought, about the dryness, about the bareness, about the lack of being able to plant and harvest. Yet when the Lord sends His rain to water the dry and weary land, and it goes beyond the boundaries that we are comfortable with…it interferes with our plans, we begin to complain. Are we willing to let the rain of the Lord God Almighty disrupt our plans and time frames? Will we allow His outpouring to interrupt our agendas and schedules? How much of Him do we want? Is it just enough of Him that we can go about our business as usual in comfort…just enough of Him to wet our lips? Or will we allow Him to overflow our man-made expectations and watch as He transforms us, the ground we walk on, and the lives He places in our path? The Lord God Almighty sends His righteous rain. He sends His outpouring. He sends His torrential downpour. He sends His deluge. His tidal wave. His tsunami. His whirlwind. The former and the latter rain. It will change the landscape. It will change our hearts, our mindsets, our vision, our purpose. We will no longer be able to do life as usual. Beautiful, wonderful, wild, glorious, altering…ready or not…here He comes!
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