Awakened and Aligned
His movement is and will sweep the nations of the earth and the whole of His creation.
Don’t you want to be swept up in the tid e?! Riding on the crest of His wave?! Being one with Him in His every move?!
Partaking of His divine nature?! Experiencing the fullness of Him?! Giving the fullness of Him… His life, His love, His wisdom, His hope at every turn?! Seeing creation delivered from the bondage of corruption and brought into the glorious liberty of the children of God?! The signs of the times are all around us. In the midst of great darkness, the glory light of Jesus Christ is shining. His Word is going out into all the earth, and the Spirit of God is on the move. So, let’s move with Him! Let’s allow the Fire of God to eradicate our modes, methods, puffed-up knowledge, and fear, so we may open our hearts to engage with the perfect work of Holy Spirit. Father’s Word was the first word and is the final word. Jesus Christ is the Wisdom of God that laid the foundations. He will have HIS way whether we are aligned with Him or not. I don’t know about you, but I want to be fully in step with Him, in the beat of His heart.
The Deep
Spirit to spirit, Deep calls to deep Spirit to spirit, You wash over me Spirit to spirit, Deep calls to deep
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